Saturday, June 4, 2016

銀座 篝 (Kagari Ginza)

Ohhhh Ginza, an upscale shopping district that has it all from Issey Miyake to luxury salmon, is also home to a well written about ramen shop: 銀座 篝 (Kagari Ginza). It has been on my list for quite some time and decided it was time to make a pilgramage. Turn a corner from the glitz and you'll find Kagari indicated by a humble "soba" sign:

I arrived about 10 minutes before they reopen for dinner and there was already a small line. Knowing that there were 8 seats I counted the people in front of me and was relieved to see that I would be in their first group of dinner customers. A man came out in a pointed paper hat to usher us into the small wooded interior of Kagari. The man in the paper hat came around to take our orders. Their menu is both outside and on the table, but I knew what I wanted, chicken shio with an egg. We were each given complimentary toasted onions and fresh grated ginger for toppings as we waited in suspense.

Topped with what others have described as seasonal vegetables, this particular season was asparagus, seaweed, bamboo shoots, and what I believe to be the heart of a cabbage. Before adding anything I tried the base. Pure biddy bliss. Creamy and seductive with just a hint of pepper. I added the toasted onions for texture, but they were not needed. Nothing was needed. Chicken breast roasted to perfection and an egg seasoned well. I even thought the asapragus was good and it is not my first vegetable choice. This bowl perfectly emulates its surroundings of designer handbags and shoes by being a unique and perfect bowl of ramen. 5/5

Map and tabelog 

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